The Noiseboy Online

Silverhead, not Silverchair
November 30, 2008, 1:29 pm
Filed under: mp3s, music | Tags:


While in DC, I picked up a vinyl copy of Silverhead’s 1972 self-titled debut. I was expecting something a bit more quirky, but it’s really not as wild as the recommendation I had read a couple years ago. You can draw a straight line from Silverhead to Ratt, which is really just to say it’s more or less just good old-fashioned pop-rock. Sure, there are some T. Rex moments, to be expected as the two groups were peers and fellow countrymen. But this really falls closer to the Slade/New York Dolls side of the glam coin than the T. Rex/David Bowie side. Hear for yourself.

Silverhead — “Ace Supreme”

Silverhead — “Long-Legged Lisa”

Silverhead — “Sold Me Down the River”